Sample PE Lessons
Basketball Unit, Lesson Sample
Week 1 (Monday) of 6-Week Unit Plan for 6th Grade Basketball
Basketball Court Anatomy Chart (English and Spanish)
Mobility Unit, Weightlifting
Unit Summary
To maximize strength and performance in weightlifting, one must have a high range of mobility. Mobility allows optimal postioning, permiting a heavier amount of weight when lifting. In addition to performance, mobility prevents injuries, both short and long term. This unit is essential for any student athlete pushing their body to the limit.
Click the PDF to view the full 5- day unit plan designed for a high school weightlifting class.
Exercise and Endorphins
Lesson Plan
The document above is the written format of the lesson. Details include lesson objective, standards followed, lesson flow schedule, etc.
Lesson Presentation
This is the actual PowerPoint presentation that corresponds with the written lesson plan to the left. Links are included inside the slides.
Vocabulary Strategies in P.E.
Lesson Summary
Vocabulary is an important focus of literacy teaching and refers to the knowledge or words, including their structure (morphology), use (grammar), meanings (semantics), and links to other words (word/semantic relationships). Students need to have a rich vocabulary that continually grows through language and literacy experiences, in order to comprehend and construct increasingly complex texts, and engage in oral language for a variety of social purposes. In this presentation, specific strategies are explained and demonstrated through a sample lesson.
Click the PDF to see in full view.
Nutrition and Response Journals
Lesson Summary
In Physical Education, we have to find ways to promote literacy through lessons involving health, nutrition, and movement. Response journaling is a great tool for Physical Eduaction teachers to use when assessing their students.
Click the PDF to see a lesson focused on response journaling for Nutrition.